Tuesday 21 July 2015

July Q&A with indiajasmineblog!

Hiya guys! sorry i've been inactive but me and indiajasmineblog have been arranging a collab for you guys! Creds to india for writing the questions, and be sure to check out her answers here. (I also stole her photo hehe)

Favourite Book? 

I love to read. I have a whole bookcase in my bedroom. My favourites though...probably The Mortal Instruments series and The Morganville Vampires series. I also love The Manifesto On How To Be Interesting!

Favourite Singer/Band?

Singer: I like Taylor Swift and Ed sheeran a lot, especially their newest albums!
Band: Probably the Janoskians, their music is so catchy! 

Makeup Storage Ideas?

For brushes and things you could put them in cute little decorated jars. For lipsticks and other makeup, you could store them in a similar way, or you could look up some DIYs on the internet. You could also just clear the drawers in your dresser/vanity and use them to store your makeup. I found this website you can take some ideas from!

Favourite Season?

I'm gonna have to say the same as India, Autumn. I like that in autumn you can just chuck on jeans and a hoodie, and not be too hot or too cold, and its and easy outfit to accesorize and make look amazing. I don't like hot weater as I get headaches and i get crabby haha.

Favourite app for editing Instagram photos?

I actually don't really edit mine...if i want filters and stuff i usually take the photo on retrica or use the instagram ones.

What do you want to be when you're older?

I have no idea. 

Childhood career choice?

Not gonna lie...I wanted to be a super clever scientist who would develop a formula to make humans have wings. Like, genetically. Obviously in my mind then it was 'I want to mix colouful liquid and make humans drink it so the grow wings and fly' but yeah. *laughing emoji*

Thanks for reading guys! I promise I will try to be more timely with my posts.

Mia xx

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